Body Shaming and Perfect body Ideologies

Body Shaming

1.0 Abstract:-
The aim of this research is to introduce to a creative mind of various artist’s and to introduce the way I had projected the issues of the society (mainly include:-body shaming, feminist shaming tactics or we can say fat-phobia) and other feminine issues by projecting oneself in the artworks. The scope is limited to provide a better understanding of relevant issues projected in my works and the type of work or body of paintings different artists have produced. Assessing, refining and developing an idea or the mindset of the people about the issues of female, society or body shaming, into an artistic concept and researching about photo transfer is the primary motive of this research.

2.0 Keywords:-
Artist creation, society issues, exploration of mix media, self-projection in artworks, body shaming issues, panel works, projection of anecdotes or daily experiences, symbolic and portraits representation, the involvement of self-experiences, analyzing artwork, photo transfer technique, against beauty ideologies i.e.- white, tall, thin.

3.0 Introduction

Life begins with curiosity, enthusiasm and urges to attain knowledge, wisdom, happiness, and peace of mind. Woman, which is the source of life, contributes to providing direction to attain a sense of achievement and accomplishment by fulfilling the desire of life and eventually attain a contented mind. In the process of the journey, one gets to experience various emotions which generate innumerable thoughts and paves the way to reach the desired goal. My artwork reflects the experiences during the journey of my life. Life from the womb to tomb is unique with twists and turns, ups and downs, fullness and emptiness and most importantly has the ultimate desire to attain a solution
My subconscious mind guides my strokes to shape the forms my mind sees. A huge factor that has affected my work is my subconscious and past experiences which I had experienced.
We are programmed to tell each other we’re not fat because too many fats are the worst thing you can be. Society has turned fat into a synonym for ugly, but fat just means fat. Like when I say I am fat I happen to use this word as a self-descriptor. And I don’t say it to put myself down. And certainly don’t say it in hopes someone will say “oh no, you’re not fat” but most of the times people say in a manner so that they can put me down. Why it is about putting someone down or about given someone condolence, oh no you are not, because no one says to a tall person. “You’re not tall.” Because tall is not a dirty word. I am 5-ft-6 so I call myself tall. I am not married so I call myself a bachelor. I am overweight so I call myself fat. And I am beautiful and cute too so I call myself beautiful and I‘m all of those things at once. I aim to detach the body and women from ‘cover girl’ perfection and the usual stereotypes and find the beauty of the person who lies beneath the skin, not the judged surface appearance. So my artwork is all about body shaming. I truly think that inside of an individual is much more complex and layered so I am presenting the internal beauty and complexity as a surface treatment. The concept of “your body or mine”? is inspired by ‘PERFECT BODY’ ideologies and expectations of the female body placed on women in society both historically and in the present day. My work is a constant reminder to myself that I am not ugly because I am fat but the perception of the society is ugly that make me feel like that. I am pretty much ok the way I look this is what I choose to be but why society is giving me continues reminder that I am not supposed to look the way I look now.More art works related to body shaming.

body shaming painting

installation on body shaming

painting on body shaming


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